When was the last time you managed to fit your car in the garage?
It's only too easy to transfer all the things that you can't find a place for in your living space to the garage or attic "because you'll need them one day" or "you'll save it for the kids when they get their own place and have their own kids."
Great idea in theory but when that is done repeatedly over the years/decades you tend to get into a situation where you've successfully filled the garage or attic and can't even get to what you want to anymore.
Which box did you put it in again?
Some households, having no extra storage space like a garage of attic will start renting a storage unit somewhere paying a weekly fee, which doesn't seem too bad price wise but when you add up the cost of it over the time you've had it, you've probably spent more than the items in there are worth.
Helping to sort, organise and clean your storage spaces that have become a general dumping ground for all things that haven't a place in your living space.

"My wife puts all her junk in my workshop and now I've nowhere to work".
"He literally leaves his tools lying around everywhere then complains when I move them."

Usually the last thing you want to start doing after a hard days work or on your weekends is sorting out the stuff in the garage or attic.
Whatever the reason is don't let it stop you getting a bit of order back into your space.
We can work with you to organise, sort and tidy your clutter, you don't even need to get rid of anything unless you need to, we can work with what's there and find the best space for everything so that it's accessible if it needs to be.
If you'd rather we just came in and worked our magic whilst you aren't there, that's also fine. Some people have a BIG block when it comes to sorting their things so prefer to be absent so that they can just come home and delight in the new found space that is all in order. We will make sure that all things are labelled so that you can find what you need, when you want. All important documentation will be filed/stored separately so that you have this to hand.

It's amazing how much space you might gain once you've had a good clear out!!

We help by directly donating items to people in the local communities that need help with furniture, clothing, household items, sporting goods & equipment, tools, children's toys, books etc
We also fundraise to be able to provide services to people in desperate need who otherwise couldn't afford it.